Old Vs. New

A lot of friends of mine have asked me, "Should I get the wireless headset? Is it worth the $50?" I'm here to tell you all, just stick with the wired. I'll explain why (the following post isn't true about all wirless headsets but only a personal thought on which in my opinion is better).

Let me keep this brief and simple:


+ Very compact and convenient with no need to carry controller around in order to talk

+ If controller batteries die out, no need to worry, you can still talk since the headset isn't connected to the controller

- Like all wireless things, it needs charging.

- Headset will randomly switch off and on when playing.

- Mine broke. Why? Not sure; didn't do a thing to it.


+ No need for charging.

+ Very reliable and won't shut off randomly.

+ Much cheaper (around $20 cheaper than the wired headset)

I have no negatives for the wired headset. I suppose you could be picky and just say, "Well, you need to carry your controller with you in order to talk". But honestly, is that really a big deal?

Go with the wired.

-ll echo419 ll

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