Ebay Spotlight: Power Brick

Oh My.. What is the world coming to, I just spoted an Xbox 360 Power Cord and Brick for 129$ and yes it has a bidder. Insane that someone would pay that price. To think the price of a 360 wont me much more then that in 4 years.

Xbox 360 Button Masher

Microsoft approved, rapid-fire Xbox 360 controller. Retailing for about $30 US, the controller is tricked out with A, B, X and Y buttons that can be set at a rate of 13 or 26 pps (presses-per-second) [HORI]

Purchased Marble Blast Ultra !

This game is officially my second favorite title for Xbox live arcade after Geometry Wars. The game is pretty much like every other marble game of the past, or super monkey ball for example. But its hella fun. The sound, physics and graphics are all top notch.

(Edit: this is so addictive i just beat 40 levels all under par time)

Halo Needler

Check this its a replica of a needler from HALO.
The guy who created this is selling the needles but not the needler itself. He supposively got the stones from Brazil.

His mock weapon includes a high powered lazer on the front and internal lights to illuminate the stones. Good work !

Halo 2 Kubrick

I have seen some of these Halo 2 Kubricks sell for around 75 bucks during holiday seasons.

Why am i spotlighting an item that has been around well over a year, Well because its sweet ! I have wanted one since the first time i seen it. This is a guranteed investment for the future. Infact anything with Halo on it is.