Halo 3 Tshirt !

Halo 3 is not going to hit shelves for quite some time. But its never to early for a Halo 3 shirt.
Get them fresh off the press for 18$ at the Bungie Store.

The Art of Gaming Exhibit at E3

Images Copyright Chris Erickson 2006

The sweetest hidden treasure at E3 had to of been the faceplate exhibit in room 505.
I was super excited seeing I love anything that is customized.
There were famous urban artists painting Xbox 360 faceplates live in the gallery. The DJ was great also. I got a very sweet video that I will post at a later date. For now check out my personal photos I took.

Gears of War Faceplate.

Well even though I heard this faceplate would be available for retail, it has already made its way to Ebay. Just like other rare faceplates you will have to drop 150$ on it.

Although I got a screening of Gears of War being played at E3,I backed out of the line I was in to play the game. I had alot of other things I wanted to see and E3 was almost over.In addition they had already ran out of faceplates to give out.

Xbox Cup

"If you're one of the lucky winners chosen to represent your country in Berlin
you can get your hands on a cool, custom designed Xbox Cup faceplate."

Rockstar 360

Check out llamas Rockstar 360, this is some hot stuff, it will be shown at e3.