New Microsoft Machinima Rules Revisited

As I've been monitoring the reaction to the new machinima rules Microsoft put out last week, I'm seeing far more negative doom and gloom reactions than I had anticipated. As such, I thought it might be an opportune time to address a few of the more common reactions I've seen to hopefully put the rules in perspective.

1. It was legal before, and now they're punishing us?

Surprisingly enough, what you were doing before was actually illegal. Specifically, it was copyright infringement. This isn't nearly as nebulous as re-skinning an engine, an issue I plan to go further into in the third part of my copyright discussion. You are using the game, exactly as it was, to create a new work. This new work is a derivative work, and creating a derivative work without a license is, in fact, copyright infringement. Microsoft was simply not enforcing their rights to that point in most cases. Simply because something happened does not mean it was legal.

2. This is the end of machinima.

This is by no means the end of machinima. In fact, it makes the whole operation far more clear cut for people who use those Microsoft games in their series. It just means that more creativity will have to go into the series to avoid the "expanding the universe" rule, and more audio production will be involved to make up for the sound effects. Moreover, these rules only apply to the Microsoft games on the list. If this is really an issue, use a different engine. Much like I noted in the SouthPaw Manifesto, if you don't like something, don't buy/use it. Of course, I think you will be hard pressed to find a game developer, at this point in time, who has said "Please use my game to make as many videos as you like, and feel free to profit on them as much as you can."

3. No wonder Rooster Teeth ended Red vs. Blue. They must have had advance notice!

I really can't speak to whether Burnie and crew had advance notice, but I am fairly certain Rooster Teeth has a commercial license. You might have noticed a little one sentence reference to "commercial license" in the guidelines. A license like this will give you the freedom to do whatever you like within the scope of that license. However, there are two caveats: 1. You have
to get a commercial license for your production group; and 2. Microsoft doesn't exactly hand them out like candy. In fact, the only license that has been granted which I know of is the Rooster Teeth license. This does not mean that other licenses won't be granted, but they are not a simple thing to get your hands on. So, if you think you can get one, you need to ask Microsoft, and then negotiate the terms accordingly. Otherwise, you need to follow the new rules.

4. It is impossible to produce anything under these rules, especially without accepting donations.

If this were 2003, I would probably agree with you that the donation requirement essentially negates the concept of online machinima as the distribution costs will likely bankrupt you. However, YouTube at least makes it possible to get your content out there. I think many machinimators need to ask themselves: Am I in this to produce something, or am I in this for the money? If you really want to get your material out there, it can certainly be done. Yes, you have to pony up the money for the hard materials of your hobby: PC upgrades, games, systems. However, the distribution can now be done for free. And the fan community? Free message boards are a dime a dozen.

If you can produce something truly great, the rest will fall into place. I would imagine if Microsoft found some starving machinimist who had a brilliant series running on YouTube or GameTrailers or some other free site, they would be far more likely to grant a commercial license based on the existing content than they would be to just another face in the crowd. Actors, musicians, writers, and other artists don't just become instantly wealthy. They have to work at their art. Just keep that in mind as you're working on your next project, without the donations.

5. This is a huge step backward for machinima.

Actually, this is just the opposite. A game company is finally saying "You can make machinima. You just have to follow some rules." Most developers have remained totally silent on the issue, and there may come a time when they choose to respond with a lawsuit rather than the conditional permission Microsoft chose.

So, the big M has spoken, and the world hasn't ended. Machinima still exists, it's just not as straightforward as it was when it wasn't legal. And once everyone has time to adjust, I'm sure we'll see some great new work. For those of you who had a series that violated the rules, I'm sorry you had to kill off your project. But look at this as an opportunity to make your own work even better, not as a big corporation squashing your dream. In the end, compromises like this are more than likely going to be the future of the medium. I'm personally glad they didn't decide to end machinima with their games altogether.

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