Xbox 360 screen freezes while you're playing your games

Sometimes while you are playing with your Xbox 360 console the screen freezes or pixelate and then the only option you get is to restart your Xbox 360 console so you'd be able to play again normally with your Xbox 360 games for a couple of minutes & after that again it would do the same and that happens with most of the games you actually got not only one of them.

First of all, we need to check wether that only happens online or also offline because there is a yawning gap between the two cases, if it just occurs online it's to do with your Xbox live connection or connection settings, but if it's offline too we have more than one thing that might be a reason for an issue like this to occur, It might be something related to your gamer profile, saved information on your Xbox 360 hard drive or even a hardware failure with your Xbox 360 console itself.

1. Xbox 360 console freeze online only:

That would be definitely something related to your Xbox 360 Live connection, it doesn't have to be not connected, I mean it might need some more configuration.
Well, usually that will happen with a router first go on your Xbox 360 console dashboard to the "System" area then "Network settings" then "Test Xbox Live connection" and if any part in the test fails (that rarely happen in a case like this) you'll find a link on the "Xbox Live main issues" here to assist you on how to resolve it, and most proper you'll find the NAT option not open so check also on the "Xbox Live main issues".
If you are using a router we need to lower the firewall on your router settings, if you don't know how to do so please contact your ISP (Internet Service Provider) or router manufacturer to tell you how to do it.

2. Xbox 360 console freeze in all cases (online or offline):

a. Check your display settings (system area, console settings then display) and make sure you set it to PAL60.
b. Remove your Xbox 360 hard drive and try playing once more without it.
c. If it works fine without the HDD, seems at the first sight to be an issue with your HDD, but also it might be something related to any corrupted saved games on your Xbox 360 hard drive, and if we consider it to be an issue with the hard drive it will be replaced anyway so we can try and give a shoot to delete all saved information related to this gamertag (go on your Xbox 360 dashboard to the system area, memory, hard drive then games) and after that if you still have the same issue that will define the fault to be with the HDD for sure, contact Xbox 360 customer support to get an exchange for it.
d. If it doesn't work even without the HDD that's a fault with your Xbox 360 console, so contact Xbox 360 customer support to repair or replace your Xbox 360 console.

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