Revoltech Devil May Cry Dante Action Figure

41W4JPVXPCL._SS400_Looking around my studio I realized that I never had the chance to add Dante to my long list of collectable's, so doing a search on Amazon for Devil May Cry allowed me to run into this cool action figure.

Product Description

RevolTech Joint (or "Revoltech") is an innovative joint system that allows figure to demonstrate any kind of realistic pose. "Kaiyodo" intends to announce a new product line "Revoltec" as one of their key product line following the "Bome" line. "Dante" is the main character of the video game "Devil May Cry III" created and published by Capcom. The figure is ~5" tall and comes with a custom base for display. "Revoltech Devil May Cry III - Dante" has fourteen articulation points and comes equipped with one interchangeable head, two hand guns (named "Ebony & Ivory"), a sword (named "Rebellion"), a double-barreled sawn-off shot gun and an electric guitar (named "Nevan").

Sounds good to me.....I'll take some better pictures of it when I receive it in the mail!

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