We're on CNBC

This blog has recently been cited on CNBC concerning the numerous xbox 360 problems. Recently, new titles like Halo 3 and Call of Duty 4 areleading to system crashes, overheating, and an abundance of frustration.

As stated in the CNBC article, "We knew there were problems: Microsoft copped to the issues over the summer when it set aside $1 billion and extended Xbox warranties by 3 years. But now, with these new titles available, and so many new players spending so much more time on Xbox play, Microsoft's sense of "mission accomplished" may have been premature."

If you want to see the link to this site, scroll to the bottom of the article, and you'll see us listed as "Here is a recent blog on Xbox 360 problems and ways to get your Xbox fixed.". Pretty cool, huh?

If you've been having problems with your Xbox, you don't have to wait 4-6 weeks for Microsoft to repair it. With just a few tools from around the house, you can have your Xbox back up and running in under an hour. Check out one of the best solutions here.

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