Join our Team now!!

As we are expanding we are looking for some assistance in the form of allowing users to write, publish and edit content on our blog in the news and game reviews or cheats sections.

Anyone can join team now and be a publisher by sending us a sample first of their work, a normal news post or a game review would be enough.

Just send a sample of your writing to xbox360helpwritingcontest [at] gmail dot com

And we'll review it first then if it meets the writing standards we're looking for it will be published under your name and you'll get notified, then after you publish 10 posts this way we'll make an overall review of your posts, and in this case if it meets the writing standards we're looking for you'll get a co-author account on so you'd be able to publish your own without sending us your post first, you'd even be able to modify and moderate your posts through this co-author account.

Your joining is really appreciated, waiting for your Emails.

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