(R) Shatter (PSN)
This game caught my attention on the Playstation news video The Pulse. I didn't know anything about it, saw the video, and deemed it a must buy. Turns out my impulsive thoughts were correct. I love this game more than Breakout and even *gasp* Arkanoid. Knowing what type of game it is now, let me go into a little detail. Aside from the basic concept, there are bosses. The hardest
(R) BlazBlue (PS3)
I'm not much of a detailed reviewer, so I'll go ahead leave these open for the other members to add to if they find certain aspects of the game different than me. If they add something it'll be in a different section signed by them. That way you can see the games from different view points, and from those views you can see who you relate to most and then choose games based off each reviewer. In
Sneha in Bikini soon !
Sneha fans,Hold your breath.If everything goes well,you will see the homely beauty in Bikini.Yes,Sneha has finally decided to shed her girl-next-door image.In contrast to her earlier stance on glamour,Sneha was heard saying that ,She is not against wearing swimsuits but her characters did not expect her to wear it.She also added that she will definitely don a bikini if a particular character
Tomb Raider gets PSN release!
Me being the Tomb Raider fanboy I am(well at least all of Crystal Dynamic's TR), I just couldn't help myself from posting this story. That's right, Tomb Raider: Anniversary and Tomb Raider: Legend were released on the PSN this week. Unfortunately they are the PSP versions of the games(I'm still hoping for PS2 PSN titles!!!).
For those not in the TR loop, Anniversary is the retelling of
The Warrior Fights On
Hal Halpin is the President of the ECA: The Entertainment Consumers Association is a 501(c)(4) non-profit membership organization established to serve the needs of those who play computer and video games.
Formed in 2006, the ECA is an advocacy organization for consumers of interactive entertainment. Gamers represent nearly fifty percent of the US population and spend $10 billion
Help Save Games in the Community
A message from The ECA:Throughout the Presidential race and continuing into his Presidency, President Obama on numerous occasions has said "put the video games away." As a gamer and a voter, we're asking you to email President Obama to point out some of the ways that video games have empowered and educated you, as well as their power to build teamwork and make people healthier.Write the
Kavya Madhavan to Divorce ?
The Malayalam Top actress Kavya Madhavan marriage with Nishal Chandran seems to be in hard times.The marriage between the couple was held only in the month of February 2009,but already there is a widespread news of divorce between them.The divorce of Kavya Madhavan was broke out by a leading newspaper of Kerala.It also states that the actress is in consultation with a well known Cochin based
'Bout damn time I can Crash some Castles!
Looks like Castle Crashers is heading to the PSN and with that, a chunk of my money as well. Originally released exclusively on the Xbox 360, I missed out on the chance to play it. Yet now, now I can! Honestly, I'm glad the game is finally making the jump to the PS3. I'm hoping that Leonhearfs and Fareo will be picking this up when it's released as well. LET'S DO THIS!!!Update by LH:Behemoth, the
Dealing With Class Rushes
In honor of the first title update to the Xbox version of The Orange Box since April 1st, 2008,I decided to throw together a small guide to help you all fight your way through a new trend that has emerged. That trend is Class Rushing.
This new Class Rushing isn't the one your Grandma used to play. This is a whole new beast that consumes an entire match and is completely unstoppable (except by the host.) While Valve "rushes" to fix this, there is only one thing to do: prepare yourself. So, without, further ado, I present to you a guide written to help you deal with Class Rushes.
The Scout Rush
This rush will haunt your dreams. The sound of pattering feet and "Doc, c'mon man!" will become a trigger of fear in your mind. Never again will you underestimate the power of a 2x capture speed multiplier.
But if you are a Scout who knows when to switch to Pistol, you may become a god. If you didn't even know you had a Pistol, immediately start dodging and don't stop. Your friends may wonder why you are hopping around in the Respawn Room, but you will be the better for never stopping the Dodge.
If an enemy Scout runs at you holding a Baseball Bat, take out yours as well and pray for a Critical Hit. If all else fails, hide and taunt until the match ends.
This Rush is best played on: Well and Granary, though it has its moments on Hydro.
The Soldier Rush
I am an excellent Soldier. I know all the best Rocket Jumps. I know when to switch to Shotgun; I know when to switch to Shovel. I crafted the Soldier into an art form through my controller, and yet...when you are in a Soldier Rush, your best bet is to jump/crouch everywhere and shoot at the ground near your enemies.
Sadly, this tactic is neither difficult or particularly inventive, but it works quite well. If you time your shots correctly, your screen will become filled with bloody body parts as your enemies explode. If not, your screen will be full of your own blood and guts.
This Rush is best played on:Gravel Pit and Granary because of excellent verticals.
The Pyro Rush
Take your Shotgun out and don't switch to Flamethrower unless your enemies can't see you. Why? Hit detection with the Flamethrower is bad, but a Shotgun blast from point blank can do 90 HP damage. Also, this is the only time in which a Pyro is guaranteed to not get a kill from afterburn damage.
No matter how ugly things become, do not attempt to W+M1 (or Forward+R1 on the Xbox.) The enemy Pyro will naturally backpedal and flame you in return. When moving forward, your flame is shorter. When moving backward, your enemy's flame is longer. So, yeah, you just died.
And always remember to taunt over your enemy when you kill them. Always.
This Rush is best played on:Dustbowl because the chokepoints keep it from becoming too chaotic.
The Demoman Rush
The grenade spam in this type of rush will bring you fond memories of Team Fortress Classic. But, in all honesty, this is the most fun you will have during a rush. The Demoman is so *cough*overpowered*cough* versatile that acting offensively and defensively as a team actually takes strategy.
It is possible that it will just degrade into spam, as aforementioned, but that is still visually entertaining. In fact, it reminds me a little of a screen from Meet the Demoman.
In this rush, the most important skill you can have is to know when to reload. If you completely waste your ammo (which happens more frequently than you might think), you better hope you aim your Bottle well.
This Rush is best played on: any map, even 2Fort and Hydro. It's that fun.
The Heavy Rush
When you play this rush, turn down your speakers or you might go deaf. The sound of Sasha spinning and shooting does not cease and if one person is calling a Medic, everyone else is too.
If you are unlucky enough to turn a corner and spot a few Heavies that are already spun up, the remainder of your life will look like you are entering Hyperspace.
Quite frankly, the number of bullets wizzing through the air during a Heavy rush is astounding. You will be taking damage continually, so be ready to run. But to dominate in a Heavy rush, you must know where to find ammo. Ammo is all you need to succeed (unless your aim is terrible.)This Rush is best played on: Well because health and ammo packs litter the floor. In addition, capturing the final point feels epic.
The Engineer Rush
Prepare for stalemates. Do not attempt on Attack/Defend maps like Dustbowl and Gravel Pit.
Uh, that's all there is to say about Engineer rushes really.
This Rush is best played on: 2Fort becuase it nicely complements the general unplayability of the map.
The Sniper Rush
When you play in a match set to Sniper Rush, it will suddenly feel like Halo or Call of Duty.
The quest for team victory dissipates and is replaced with the search for individual glory. Snap shots are very possible as a headshot will kill anyone without a charge. Furthermore, the SMG feels like an Assault Rifle. If you didn't have to switch to your Kukri to melee, it would become just like those games.
As expected, this rush is a superb way of training to be a good Sniper. If you want to frequent servers like this, you should crank down your sensitivity. Doing so will have a major payoff.
Your best chance of starting a kill streak would be to snipe from unexpected places and to stay in motion. The less the enemy suspects, the better your chance of an easy shot. I could make a Weighted Companion Sniper joke, but this picture will suffice.
This Rush is best played on: 2Fort, obviously. But forget about capping the Intel. Think about blasting out the brains of the guy across the way instead.
The Medic Rush
This type is very odd. The Medic is the best support class, but when he can only support his own kind, things become quirky. You start to realize how powerful the Needle Gun is when you play this rush. At the same time, you wonder if the Ubercharge is really too useful.
With health everywhere, the commodity to watch is ammo, but that rarely becomes a problem. Even when depleted, the Bonesaw deals out a solid amount of damage. But no matter what you do to try to kill an enemy Medic, deaths will be rare. The Medigun heals too fast for long-term damage to be an option.
Therefore, to be effective, you must attack hard and fast. Chase the enemy to the edges of the map and remember to cut corners. It will take a bit, but eventually they will die.
This Rush is best played on: Well, Granary, or Hydro because playing it anywhere else creates bizarre balance issues.
The Spy Rush
Last, but certainly not least. The first thing to do is to forget your disguise. Your not fooling anyone.
Play a couple rounds of all-Spy and everyone will stop using their knifes. The Revolver is king.
When everyone decides to disguise, it is a mess. Chaos erupts because the Spy lacks a good Spychecking weapon. Everyone will want to be a Pyro, but they can't. Too bad.
If you ignore the loss of espionage, the game is still very fun, and it is teaching you to aim as well. I just wish we had The Ambassador.
This Rush is best played on: 2Fort. Carrying the Intel reveals which team you are on, creating an interesting side effect.
That's all for today! I hope you enjoyed the read!
An Introduction of Sorts
Get your Portable ID!I figured it'd be nice to get a feel for who we are so that we aren't just another faceless blog that nerds out on the Internet. I'm Leonharfs, the Editor in Chief, if you will. Just about every post you read has been read and some aspects of it changed, and in some cases even chunks of it are added by me. I don't sign it though because in most respects the thoughts and views
Sticky notes... and games?
Just about everyone uses them at one point in their lives. Sometimes they use them to convey a message, others to show off art...Well, others use them to make amazing side scrolling shooter videos...
LGJ: Fan Sequel? Still not legal.
This week's LGJ talks about fan sequels, fan art, fan fiction...basically a ton of different kinds of derivative works.
Read on!
Wii Sports are the only ones I'm good at...
Hello again! So, Wii Sports Resort is almost upon us (wow that makes it sound like the plague) and I'm super jazzed to pick it up. Honestly, I just can't wait to try all the cool mini-games. This also marks the first time (unless someone beats me to it) that a review will be posted on the blog. I will be picking this game up Sunday morning and after my day of work is over, I'm headed home to play
Actress Radha`s Daughter Karthika enters Telugu [First Pics]
The most awaited movie in Telugu is Josh,as it introduces Naga chaitanya,son of Actor Nagarjuna.The other important debut is of Karthika,daughter of Actress Radha.Radha was one of the successful actress of her times with numerous films in Tamil,Telugu.The audio relase of the movie brought together all the stars of Telugu film industry.Actress Radha is seen for the first time with her family after
LGJ: And still, they want to take away our games
This week's LGJ address some possible alternate routes the government might use to regulate video games, rather than the typical violence argument.
Read on!
The Debate Video - Now Available
I'm sure many of you have been waiting for the video of my debate with Jack Thompson from SGC. Well, there's now both an unedited version and a 16 minute edited version available from ScrewAttack.
With that now up, some of my commentary from Late Nite JengaJam may make more sense in context.
It's been interesting to keep track of the comments and see what people take away from the video. It surprises me just how many people are taking unexpected points away from the debate, from stances I didn't think were represented, to contradictions that weren't stated, to issues with the formal debate style and issues with the format of responses (primarily responding to the question versus responding to the other party). I'm particularly confused as to why many people were critical of the fact that I didn't address the Saw game when it's basically impossible to comment on content of a game that isn't released yet. Certainly, it's interesting that the game is being released, but it's impossible to say whether the content there will be as graphic as the movies when the game isn't released yet.
In any event, enjoy the video.
Xbox 360 3 Red Lights - Real Solution Revealed That Will Repair Your Xbox 360 In Under An Hour!
If you have found your way to this blog because you have the Xbox 360 3 Red Lights when you switch the console on then you are in luck!
This blog will tell you EXACTLY what you can do today to get rid of this problem.
OK, so why does it happen?
Well the 3 red lights happens simply because of overheating and as the chips get hotter the motherboard bends ever so slightly.
Once the soldering snaps off you are left with the 3 red lights.
So on to the good stuff!
How do you fix this?
Well you have 2 choices and one is to send it back in. This is a good idea if you don't mind paying and the long wait.
Most people have to wait for up to 4 weeks to get a fix and also some have to pay up to $140 to get it fixed!
I can't wait! - What can i do?
Well if you can't wait that long luckily there is a way you can fix it from home!
Before you think you could not do it because you are not very good with technical stuff let me explain...
I have been out and tested the top Xbox 360 Repair guides on the web and have found one that will cure all errors for good!
That's right!
It will get rid of the 1 red light, 2 red lights, 3 red lights and even DVD drive reading problems and game freeze ups as well!
So how hard is the fix?
Well it is super easy and only uses household items as well!
This is also the only guide that has been on the market for over 3 years and that gave us a preview of the actual videos!
There is a complete guarantee and customer support if you need it as well.
It will take you about 40 minutes to complete start to finish so you can be back on Xbox Live tonight!
The guide has already helped over 10,000 gamers get back to their games and now you can join them!
Click The Link Below To Check Out This Awesome Guide:
Xbox 360 3 Red Lights
Navya nair Marriage expected soon ?
According to the latest industry news,South Indian actress Navya Nair seems to be getting ready for her marriage.The actress has been acting in films across all major southern languages,but recently its heard that Navya is declining all film offers citing an important decision to be made in her life.But she has not revealed what it was !** Update as on November 2009 : Navya Nair Marriage
Actress Meena Wedding in Tirupati [Pics]
Actress Meena Marriage was the most awaited celebrity event in South India.Ever since the formal announcement of Meena`s marriage,there has been all-round excitement among her fans.Meena married Vidhyasagar in Tirupathi on July 12th.A grand reception has been planned in Chennai on July 14th.* Actress Meena Gallery* Meena Profile - more pics* Meena in Mariyathai - Meena`s last film in Tamil before
The Thompson - Methenitis Debate Video is Forthcoming
I know many folks on the internet are waiting for the video of the debate I had with Jack Thompson last weekend on the 4th of July at the ScrewAttack Gaming Convention in Dallas. I've been told by some of the folks at ScrewAttack that both an edited and an unedited version of the video will be up on their site next week.
In the mean time, I did find this seven minute clip from the latter half of the debate. I also did some post-debate commentary on this week's Late Nite JengaJam. Hopefully those two will tide everyone over until the full video is available online.
For those who didn't make it out to SGC, the event was outstanding, and the entire ScrewAttack crew deserves any and all praises you may have seen on their forums about the event. I also really appreciate Jack for making the trip out to the convention and participating in the debate.
As soon as the debate footage is available, I will make sure to post the appropriate links here on Law of the Game.
Actress Kiran to love 13yrs Boy
Kiran rathod created waves by her Glamour in Tamil and Telugu films,after which she was nowhere to be seen.Recently Kiran acted as sexworker for a tamil film.Now,she has taken up the role of Monica Belluci,played in the controversial italian film 'Malena'. Kiran will be featured in the telugu movie as a woman of 30 years falling in love with a 13yr old boy !Director Narasimha Nandi says,he was
Neat Tournament Ideas (With Posters)
By now (if you are someone serious enough about Team Fortress 2 Xbox 360 that you read a blog about it) you know that Valve has announced that a nice, simple title update/patch is coming to us very soon and has already been sent in for certification by Microsoft.
This update will include fixes to stop jackasses, excuse me, hackers, as well as a few hosting options that may have been inspired by one of my earlier articles. It is very exciting, mostly because I know it is true, and because it can no longer be slowed down by Valve.
These hosting options will bring the world of competitive Team Fortress 2 fully to our doorstep. We will be able to turn off random crits and damage spread, as well as set class limits. But now that these options are available, I would hate to see them wasted on just 6v6 matches.
So, to give the community a broader range of match/tournament ideas, I searched the internet, and here are two separate and awesome posters for tournaments that have happened over in the PC Team Fortress 2 community.
The first is for a Soldier and Medic only tournament. It is entirely 2v2 and with no critical hits or damage spread, it could become extremely intense and satisfying. Furthermore, it would make excellent use of the map Hydro, with quick rounds, but clear progression and defeat/victories.
The second is not based on a joke, believe it or not. Rather, it is a match style designed to introduce casual players to the competitive scene. It would be a 6v9 match where the casual team has one of each class and the other team is a clan. I think this would be a lot of fun and would be a great way for clans to practice.
Expect articles to come a bit more rapidly after this. I have been pretty busy lately, but things are clearing up. Also, any sign of movement from Valve rejuvenates my enthusiasm for Team Fortress 2.
Shruthi hassan in Bikini for Luck
Not many actress are bold to take up Bikini in their first film.Shruti Hassan has not only appeared in a bikini scene for her latest hindi film 'Luck' but also said,she was comfortable while doing it.Luck,the film opposite Imran khan is ready for release & as expected the pictures of Shruti hassan in Bikini has already started surfacing the web.Shruti hassan also mentioned earlier that her father
Xbox 360 3 Red Lights - Do You Want Your Xbox 360 Repaired Today? Read On...
If you have switched on your console and you have the Xbox 360 3 red lights then this is down to overheating and is a hardware error! So to make a long story short you will need to find a way to get it fixed before you can play your games again.
Now there are 2 ways that you can do this:
You can either send it back to Microsoft and they will fix it for you however it can take quite a while and most repairs take about 3 - 4 weeks to be completed and this a long time for anyone to wait, especially if you want to have a blast on Xbox Live!
So what is the other way?
Well as it is caused by overheating, believe it or not you can fix it yourself from home.
It really is not as difficult as it sounds as you may have seen numerous Xbox 360 Repair guides on the web all claiming to give you a fast fix, but in this post I thought I would explain how the recommended Xbox 360 Repair guide works:
All the guide shows you how to do is stop the heat with step by step videos and household tools so it does not mater if you are not technical the fix is super easy to carry out!
The guide also comes with a full money back guarantee and has been on the market for over 3 years as well.
Another thing that impressed us with the guide is the fact that it gives you a complete preview of the video before you commit to anything so you can see what you are getting first!
Alot of the guides we found out there are just "copycat" versions of this guide!
If you want to get rid of the Xbox 360 3 Red Lights permanently and in under an hour then download the full guide through the link below:
Xbox 360 3 Red Lights
Xbox Controller S-Black
Xbox Controller S-Black


Binding : Video Game
ProductGroup : Video Games
Manufacturer : Microsoft Software
Brand : Microsoft
Label : Microsoft Software
Publisher : Microsoft Software
Model : VAMSFT 805529378889
Platform : Xbox
Studio : Microsoft Software
Color : Black
ReleaseDate : 2003-11-15
Lowest Used Price: USD $8.99
Lowest New Price: USD $22.94
- Designed to fit your hands more comfortable, with smaller grips and better button placement
- Easy-to-reach secondary buttons for better response time
- The revised D-pad surface improves directional movement
- Roomier thumbsticks mean no more slipping off the stick when you're playing in Analog
The Xbox Controller S is built for maximum comfort, pinpoint accuracy and total control, featuring: six analog buttons with 256 levels of sensitivity, two analog pressure-point triggers, two vibration feedback motors, one eight-way directional pad, two menu navigation buttons, and two expansion slots for memory cards or other accessories.
Great cheap alternative to the 360 controller if you use the XBCD drivers and an adapter. (2008-09-29)
I used this for all my PC gaming needs due to the fact that it has two extra buttons at the bottom and I find it unfitting to use a 360 controller and I don't have the console for it which I will not be getting for a some years now. All I did was get a generic Xbox to PC usb adaper, installed the XBCD drivers, and it works on all games that support it. For 100% compatibility, I use Xpadder for games that have poor or no support for controllers. Good example is Half-Life 2. I personally just can't stand the keyboard and mouse, and I can never get used to it, and its not easy for me to remember what key is assign to what command and such. Anyway I just can't live without this.
Xbox controller (2008-04-22)
Package came quickly and in good working order. Son was thrilled to receive the controller.
Good controller (2008-04-07)
This works great with the xbox, my son wouldn't be able to play without it.
XBox controller - standard (2008-03-05)
These controllers for the Xbox are to bulky for me. It doesn't fit snugglely in the palms of your hands like a PS2 or PS3 controller.
Plain and Simple: Best Controller for the Xbox System (2008-01-17)
Best Controller for the Xbox system. As for my personal preference, I feel the green controller is the best color, but the blue and black controllers are just the same.
tags :
More on China's Virtual Currency Regulations
CNN.com put up an article (which quotes me) on the Chinese virtual currency rules mentioned earlier this week on Law of the Game. GamePolitics has also posted two pieces on the rule, with different takes on the issue. It will certainly be interesting to see how this all plays out in practice.
LGJ: The new meaning of 'player vs player'
This week, we talk about lawsuits between players. A new Craigslist-based verdict puts a serious damper on many possible avenues.
Read on!